Model Rocket F.A.Qs
- Is model rocketry safe?
- How high can a model rocket fly?
- What about weather conditions?
- What is the general flight path of Estes model rockets?
- Where can I fly my model rockets?
- What do the engine codes mean?
- Can I fly my Estes rockets more than once?
- Can I use my older engines? How should they be stored?
- How do I properly install my starter in my Estes model rocket engine?
- What types of glues will work best to build model rockets?
- The balsa fins won’t stay on my rocket when I glue them. How can I keep them on?
- Why doesn’t my rocket need an engine hook?
- Why do I need to use recovery wadding?
- My parachute did not deploy. How can I fix this?
- How do I get my launch controller to work?
- What can I do if the rocket lifts off slowly or gets stuck on the launch rod?
- What should I do if my engine fails to ignite?
- How can I keep my rocket from drifting away?
- What is a multistage rocket?
- What is engine clustering?
- How do I prepare my multistage rocket for flight?
- How do I order an Estes catalog?